With so many messages in the marketplace today, it’s important to stand out in the crowd and to build your company’s brand identity. That’s why Xtreme Recruitment Marketing develops creative campaigns that are straightforward, attention grabbing and consistent with your company’s short and long-term goals. Our campaigns have a proven track record of driving enrollment.

Even though newspaper circulation is dwindling across the country, we've experienced great success with print ads for the past several years. Since most studies in some manner affect parents, senior citizens or caretakers, print ads should almost always be included in any clinical research study's media mix.

Advertorials--informational print pieces that are typically placed in newspapers--have the appearance of a news story and contain important factual information about various medical conditions. We've found that these pieces can greatly complement other forms of advertising in driving recruitment.

We're big proponents of radio advertising. Even with the onslaught of new media sources, radio is still an incredibly powerful advertising resource. Many people still listen to radio at their home or office. What's more, some recent research has revealed that the average U.S. citizen spends approximately three hours in his or her car each day--often times listening to the radio.

We're big proponents of radio advertising. Even with the onslaught of new media sources, radio is still an incredibly powerful advertising resource. Many people still listen to radio at their home or office. What's more, some recent research has revealed that the average U.S. citizen spends approximately three hours in his or her car each day--often times listening to the radio.